Volunteers and Internship Opportunities

This is a local initiative to encourage women into the workplace to get valuable work experience for the future. There are many areas to get involved in as well as learn how an NGO operates coupled with a gender sensitive environment. There are two ways to volunteer for WERC.

Current Volunteer and Internship Opportunities


Internships are provided for both local and international candidates with a bachelor’s degree.Undergraduates are also considered depending on space and availability.


WERC offers flexible, tailor-made volunteer and internship opportunities (including almost completely virtual positions) for individuals looking to gain work experience working in an NGO setting with gender sensitivity.

To apply, please contact
womedre@gmail.com with a brief CV In Progress womedre@gmail.com

Past Volunteer Stories


She is a second year student of Bachelors of Arts in Pedagogy. She sought our helping hand via AIESEC in doing her internship. During her time working with us, she contributed to our English newsletter, Pravahini. Along with other interns, she wrote project proposals on gender sensitization. She was involved in fund raising by converting her birthday gifts into cash to support two families from the urban poor, providing livelihood resources and professional training for under privileged children.

Jana Freund
Institute of Educational Science, Germany


She is a law student who intends to pursue a Masters degree in Development Studies. She sought our helping hand via AIESEC in doing her internship. During her internship, she has contributed to our English newsletter, Pravahini. She along with other interns organized a workshop for empowering young women, with practical exercises, followed by how gender disparities at workplace are handled in other countries. In addition, she helped to uplift the financial status of two urban poor families from a Wellawatte slum area.

Nia Braithwaite
University of Kent, United Kingdom


She is a political science who sought our helping hand via AIESEC in doing her internship. During her internship, she has contributed to our English newsletter, Pravahini. She along with other two interns: Tharmi Tharmarajah, University of Colombo, SL and Nathaly Calixto, University of Federal Fluminense, Brazil, organized an open discussion on ‘A Comparison between Brazil, Germany and Sri Lanka: What Can We Learn from Each other by Analyzing Current Women’s Issues and Their Legal Situation’.

Laura Koester
University of Bielefeld, Germany


While pursuing her post graduate degree in International Politics, she sought our helping hand via AIESEC in doing her internship. During her internship, she has contributed to our English newsletter, Pravahini. She along with other two interns: Tharmi Tharmarajah, University of Colombo, SL and Laura Koester, University of Bielefeld , Germany, organized an open discussion on ‘A Comparison between Brazil, Germany and Sri Lanka: What Can We Learn from Each other by Analyzing Current Women’s Issues and Their Legal Situation’.

Nathaly Calixto
University of Federal Fluminense, Brazil


While pursuing a post graduate course specialising in Information Management at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka; she has made immense contributions to our organisation in terms of upgrading the WERC website and editing our bi-annual English newsletter: Pravahini and annual gender journal: Nivedini. She also took part in our monthly lunch-time-dialogue in providing valuable inputs on the topic ‘communication skills’.

Kisholi Mendis
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka


She is studying Organizational Development and as a fulfillment of the course she completed her internship at WERC. During this time, she has Impact Assessments for two project proposals: Economic Empowerment of Single Women in Thirukkovil and Library Project and, Performance Evaluation for WERC.

Narendra Nimalini
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka